Being a mom

The age-old debate of “Pampers vs Huggies” is one of the great battles of our time, akin to Jacob vs Edward or “Can you wear white after Labor Day?” It is something that many parents feel extremely passionate about any want to explain why their choice is better.The reason we compare Pampers vs ...


When you first find out you are pregnant, you might have a lot of joy and a lot of fears – and at some point, you go into nesting mode. Some moms will go into nesting sooner than others, but it is bound to happen. When this happens, you want to start baby proofing everything, you want to start ...


It seems like there is a list for everything these days, and it seems wrong that we don’t have a list of the best celebrity moms. These aren’t just the celebrities that have a few kids and have the nannies take care of them. Instead, it is about the celebrity moms who go above and beyond the call ...


Pacifier weaning is a bit of a bad word for many parents. It is a time of tears, frustration, and tantrums, and not just for the child. It is hard and many parents give up several times before they start again. Still, there are ways to do it that will leave you feeling accomplished and your child ...


When you’re a parent, especially one to a new baby, your diaper bag will act as a tether to your sanity. Whether you went out for a quick grocery run or you are staying over at a friend’s house, what you pack in your diaper bag will determine how easy (or hard) your life will be. Not all diaper ...

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