7 Things You Must Have in Your Diaper Bag

When you’re a parent, especially one to a new baby, your diaper bag will act as a tether to your sanity. Whether you went out for a quick grocery run or you are staying over at a friend’s house, what you pack in your diaper bag will determine how easy (or hard) your life will be. Not all diaper bags are created equally, however.Note that there truly isn’t a “one size fits all” approach to diaper bags. Each baby will need something different than another baby, which is why we are only focusing on seven items that all parents should put into their diaper bags. This leaves you with enough room to add some of the other necessities that your baby needs.Let’s take a look:

1. Diapers and Wipes

The first thing you should always ensure that you have in your diaper bag is the obvious: diapers and wipes. You should always pack more than you think you will need, especially with wipes. Baby wipes are great at cleaning up messes, removing stains from clothing, and even cleaning off areas in a pinch. In fact, you’ll find that you wish you had these with you all the time – so much so that it might graduate to your purse after baby doesn’t need them anymore.

You don’t want to be stuck without the basics.

2. Wet Bag

Babies are messy and can cause a lot of funk in a diaper bag if you aren’t careful with how you store them. Sure, some parents use a plastic bag, but that isn’t good for the environment and isn’t foolproof. Invest in a wet bag that will hold soiled clothing and burp cloths so that they won’t touch anything else in your bag. Certain bags will fold up rather tightly so that they don’t take up too much room. Look for a machine washable wet bag because things can get quite gross.

In a pinch, you can use a gallon sized plastic bag as well or even a Ziploc bag.

3. Extra Outfits

This is something you can keep in your bag for weeks at a time and never use, but the one chance you do get to use it, you’ll be thankful you kept it there. Bringing an extra outfit (or two, or three…) will ensure that you won’t have to cut anything short because of a blowout or a throw up. Pack something simple enough that it will work anywhere you take baby, and always make sure that it is seasonally appropriate. If nothing else, a few extra onesies will go the distance.

Don’t risk it – always bring something extra!

4. A Lightweight Blanket

Some of the items you want in your diaper bag should have multiple uses, and a lightweight blanket is one of those things. The most obvious usage for a light blanket is to wrap up your baby when he or she is cold, when you want it to be nap time, or just when someone is going to hold your baby. However, you can also use it as a cover when you are nursing, a cover for somewhere you put baby when changing, a makeshift bag for wet clothing, and you can even use it as a (large) burp cloth if necessary.

If you have some room, this is even one place where you can double up and put a second lightweight blanket in – and if you can’t, just keep one in your car.

5. Snacks (For Baby and For You)

When you’re nursing, you are going to be extremely hungry. Keeping a few healthy snacks and a bottle of water in your diaper bag will ensure that you have enough energy to get through your day. Throw in a protein bar, some cut up vegetables, or some fruit and you will feel better throughout the day.

Do the same for your baby – throw in some age-appropriate snacks, a bottle of water to use for formula, and some formula. You can’t always be sure that you will be able to find baby-appropriate snacks and it is easier (and less costly) to just bring your own.

6. Hand Sanitizer

Once you have a baby, you start to realize just how many germs are everywhere. Since you are the person to come into contact with your baby the most, you will constantly think about your hands. Running water and soap isn’t always available, so you have to take matters into your own hands. Make sure to put hand sanitizer into your bag so that you can use it after changing baby, before feeding, or just whenever you are going to be in contact with your baby. It will also come in handy when baby isn’t around and you just need to keep yourself clean.

7. Changing Pad and Case

Finally, one of the best ideas that often gets overlooked is a changing pad and case. Think about putting your baby down in a public bathroom, and you might start getting a panic attack. Changing pads go overtop the changing station (or a bench, or just on the ground if need be) and cover the grossness. Then, you put them back into the case so that all of the germs don’t get all over everything in your diaper bag. The best changing pads are machine washable and durable enough to last through a few babies.

Of course, there are so many things you can put into a diaper bag: pacifiers, toys, books, teethers, bibs, socks, shoes, hats, sunscreen, and even nail clippers. However, some things just get overlooked in the hubbub and some things really aren’t all that necessary. Be careful about overloading your diaper bag as the weight can hurt your back and make it dangerous to carry your child.

Investing in a high-quality diaper bag is the most important thing because you need to keep everything clean and safe. Aim for one with different compartments, keep it organized, learn how to clean it properly, and always keep it stocked with the items listed above

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