Playtex BPA Free Premium Nurser Bottles Review 2017

It’s never been a secret that baby bottles can be as messy and uncontrollable as babies themselves, with milk leaking out of them rampantly and babies refusing to suckle on the awkwardly-shaped artificial top attachments. Of course, this would be the worst case scenario for feeding mothers, but either way, it tends to happen often enough which can be irritating. Therefore, obtaining a well-shaped and adaptable feeding instrument as Playtex BPA Free Premium Nurser Bottles (some of the playtex products may be a good solution) can be as important as the quality of the milk you put into it, as the baby may feel more at ease with one bottle over some other, and that can make a world of difference in your feeding sessions!

In this short review, we hope to present to you one of the most prominent Playtex products that have come out recently- the Playtex Drop-Ins Nurser Bottle Liner! Read on and find out what makes this particular baby product so special.

Design and Features

What is the design of choice of the Playtex BPA Free Premium Nurser Bottles?

One of the stronger points of these Playtex products is certainly their tough design, making them a reliable piece of baby equipment you can use without worrying about whether it’s going to malfunction the next minute, spilling the milk or whatever other liquid you’ve put into it, all over you and your bewildered baby! Here are some other positive traits you may want to take into consideration if you’d like to get yourself  a new baby bottle:

A BPA-free kind of plastic

For those concerned about the potentially negative effects of the BPA commonly found in products made of plastic, the design of this particular baby bottle may put a smile on their face. The manufacturers were able to completely exclude the BPA element from this bottle so that no harmful particles may not get mixed up with the milk your baby consumes.

An innovative collapsing layer

Rigidness in the construction of baby bottles has never been a monumental problem, in all fairness, but still, having a bottle that can change shape whenever you feel like it can certainly be a plus! For example, perhaps the most notable advantage of these shape-shifting bottles, so to speak, is that their construction prevents the air from entering from the outside and mixing up with the milk. This is a guarantee that the milk your baby drinks is completely authentic and has not been compromised by any outside imperfections. What’s more, this easy-on-the touch construction resembles the breast in its softness, so the baby may be more comfortable with it. Add to that the fact that the top suckling attachment’s been made to resemble a nipple in the most natural way possible, and you’ve got yourself a properly organized artificial breast your baby’s going to love!

Reduces gasses and colic particles

One of the very few risks that go along with using a feeding bottle instead of naturally breastfeeding your baby is that unhealthy gasses and colic particles may get mixed up with the milk and enter your baby’s stomach thus creating some flatulence and other minor issues. With one of these Playtex products, this potential hazard has been brought to the minimum, because the tightly-sealed top along with the collapsible body enables the milk to remain unaltered by any outside imperfections or potentially unhealthy particles.

Each bottle is pre-sterilized in a Playtex’s factory

Proper sterilization is a minor task that should nevertheless always be kept in mind before you start your daily feeding session. If you forget to duly wash and sterilize your feeding equipment, over time, unhealthy particles and microorganisms may develop around the dirty areas, which may lead to various kind of parasites and other microbes entering your baby’s system.

When it comes to the Playtex products we’re describing in this review, the sterilization’s already been completed in the factory, meaning that you only need to do the usual clean up after you’ve used the bottle, and you’re good to go!

Well-shaped and easy to handle

Even though baby bottles aren’t necessarily the most complex contraptions in the world, they often can be a drag to wash and reassemble every time you want to use them. To battle this minor, if somewhat annoying occurrence, the Playtex folks have introduced the special shape of the bottle enabling you to easily get it ready for an intense feeding session in no time!

All things considered, a tough little piece of baby equipment that will be able to survive breastfeeding transitioning and which could probably outperform the majority of the other products in this department by a considerable margin. Let’s do a little overview of the pros and then possibly even some cons that come with this product:

Playtex BPA Free Premium Nurser Bottles – The good stuff:

  • Well-received among young mothers, and the online reviewing community.
  • Quite accessible. You can get it online, at local retailers, you name it!
  • A good name that’s well-respected among the manufacturers of baby equipment
  • Possesses a number of attractive features: collapsible body, natural-feelin’ artificial nipple, and so on.

Playtex BPA Free Premium Nurser Bottles – the not-so-good stuff:

  • Made of plastic, so not as hard-core or old-fashioned as some people like it to be.
  • It’s not recyclable, so not exactly the ‘greenest’ solution of them all.


How can I get my hand on one of them then?

Perhaps the easiest way for you to obtain one of these exquisite pieces of baby feeding equipment is to buy it online and have it shipped to you. This works for every of the 50 states in the US and it’s rather speedy and convenient!


Bottom Line:

All things considered, if you need a reliable and simple means of getting some milk into your baby, so to speak, Playtex BPA Free Premium Nurser bottles can be excellent solutions for you, especially if you’re in the middle of the tough transitioning period from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding!


9.4 Total Score
Best In Reducing Gas

Reduces gasses and colic particles A BPA-free kind of plastic

Ease of Cleaning
Ease of Use
  • Reduces gasses and colic particles
  • A BPA-free kind of plastic
  • Well-shaped and easy to handle
  • Light weight
  • Excellent nipple
  • Requires liners to work
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