Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor Review 2017

If you were to ask any experienced parent for a piece of advice on how to best protect your child even when you’re away, they will immediately say “baby monitors”. A baby monitor is one of the most important tools for a new parent to own, especially in the early months of a child’s life, when they are at their most vulnerable.

Luckily for you, there are tons of baby monitors out there, and with jumps in technology and manufacturing techniques, baby monitors are becoming more and more efficient, becoming outright miniature surveillance systems. So, if you’re in the market for a baby monitor, we have a product that just might satisfy your stern conditions about the best baby monitor. Without further ado, dive into the review of one of the top baby monitors on market, the Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24.

Design and Features

Remember when we said baby monitors are mini surveillance systems. That is what exactly Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 is. Baby monitors have two units – a baby unit and a parent unit – and the baby unit for this monitor is a small camera. This allows you to not only hear your child – as is the case with audio baby monitors – but also see what your child is doing when on its own. Naturally, if the baby unit is a camera, the parent unit has to feature a screen.

But having a camera doesn’t mean that you are denied sound. On the contrary, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 provides you with a top audio feed as well. In fact, you can completely turn the video feed off, and switch to VOX mode, in which you can rely on sound only. That being said, the VOX will turn Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor HB24’s screen back on again if there is a drastic change in volume (such as the child crying) which gives alerts you at the same time.

The camera has other useful features as well. The Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor HB24’s camera can also pan and tilt should you require it. This makes sweeping the room much easier, and makes the camera more efficient, as you aren’t limited to only one viewpoint depending how is the camera positioned. On top of that, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24’s camera has a top optical zoom. The Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24’s top optical zoom allows you to hone in on details and literally helps you keep a closer eye on your child. The Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24’s top zoom is especially useful for monitoring children who have breathing problems, or who like to move around a lot during the night.

Speaking of nighttime, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 offers one more commodity that is certain to impress you. Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 has a night vision installed in the camera that shows a clear black&white image. The Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24’s night vision is very useful for keeping an eye on your child during the night as it increases your capability to spot any irregularities.

But wait, there’s more! Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 is also packed with other features like a temperature monitor. Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 watches for any changes to room temperature at all times, and will promptly alert you if the conditions in the room vary largely from optimal. On top of that, the parent unit on the Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 comes with an 8-level alarm, so you can tone the volume down or crank it up depending on your need or personal preference.

And if you think that’s it, you’d be wrong, because Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 keeps on giving. Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 also has pre-programmed lullabies that you can play to put your child to sleep – if you don’t have time to do that yourself. And if you need more coverage, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24’a parent unit can be connected to three more cameras beside the one you get initially. We said two times before that Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 is very comparable to a small surveillance system, and we weren’t kidding at all.

But what about the batteries? Well, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 has a very decent battery that lasts you quite a while, considering how many top features it has. Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 can operate at full capacity for a total of 8 hours. However, having Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 in VOX mode, where the screen is off and you are only using audio, you can significantly increase battery life, and you can now use the monitor continually for 12 hours. In the world of video baby monitors, as compared to monitors of the same type, and comparing them to the ones we already reviewed this is a pretty impressive feat.

However, there is a downside to Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24, and that is the price. Because Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 boast so many top features, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 is a little on the pricey side, although, truth be told, this is a common trait for all video baby monitors. However, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 is still very affordable according to video monitors’ standards, as it costs about $70 dollars less than Infant Optics’ DXR-8, another top-quality video baby monitor that we’ve reviewed.

Bottom Line

Well, this is it for our review of the Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24, and we must say that we are impressed with it. Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 offers the best features and you have great options at hand to improve your user experience. Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 is certain to allow you the best level of monitoring over your child, and if you’re one of those paranoid parents that are constantly checking your baby monitor, Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24 is the best device for you. We must warn you though, if you decide to get Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24, be prepared to whip out your wallet, and pull out a thicker wad of cash, as Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera HB24, as well as the whole lot, do not come cheap. But, really, what price can you put on your child’s safety?


9.4 Total Score
Best For Monitoring Your Baby

Hello Baby is a mini surveillance system. Hello Baby Wireless Video Baby Monitor is certain to allow you the best level of monitoring over your child,

Video & Audio Monitoring
Extra Features
  • Optical Zoom
  • Battery
  • Night Vision
  • Price
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