20 Coolest Celebrity Moms

It seems like there is a list for everything these days, and it seems wrong that we don’t have a list of the best celebrity moms. These aren’t just the celebrities that have a few kids and have the nannies take care of them. Instead, it is about the celebrity moms who go above and beyond the call of duty and show us better ways to parent.Of course, being a parent is hard and celebrity moms deal with things that we never will have to worry about, like paparazzi and security concerns. Keep that in mind as you peruse this list of best celebrity moms.

1. Sally Field

Sally is not only a phenomenal actress, she’s an amazing mother as well. She recently wrote a letter about raising her son and called it one of the “biggest privileges” of her life. Known for rolling with the punches of her career, she’s done the same with parenting. She wasn’t one of those moms to do paparazzi strolls, so you wouldn’t instantly recognize her family, but they are all humble, hardworking people.

2. Victoria Beckham

Some people judge Victoria Beckham (of fashion and Spice Girls fame) because she is the type of mom that won’t go to a soccer game without make-up, her hair styles, and stilettos, but she is an alpha mom amongst the crowd. She has a large family, and all of her children seem exceptionally well behaved. When in public, you see them being respectful of others and there haven’t been any reports about her children being bad.

3. Idina Menzel

The Broadway superstar and Frozen actress has one son, Walker. She’s extremely devoted to him, often talking about his hopes and aspirations and how they differed from her own. For example, even though she knows he can sing (how could he not with those genes?), he doesn’t want to, so she doesn’t push him. She is also making him into a little traveler, taking him all over the world when she goes on tour.

4. Christina Aguilera


Christina+Aguilera+Christina+Aguilera+Family+-Z9BClENrkJlChristina had a few rough years there for a while – she was partying and falling into some of those Hollywood traps. Now she’s a stand-up woman, taking care of her children and keeping them away from the public eye. Even better, she’s taken on a more adult job that keeps her near them for most of the year instead of touring – which will come in handy once they go to school.





5. Gwyneth Paltrow

As far as celebrity moms go, Gwyneth Paltrow might be the ultimate one. While we know that she’s strict about what foods her children eat, she’s also extremely helpful. She has a few cookbooks out that can help you give a well-balanced meal to your kids and still allow them to be kids at the same time. Even better, she loves to take her kids to concerts, which makes her fun as well.

6. JK Rowling

There are plenty of stories out there about JK Rowling’s trials and tribulations before she wrote the Harry Potter series. She struggled and had government assistance. Now, she’s one of the richest women in the world and her children can get whatever they want. However, she’s raised them to be upstanding kids. Many have said that JK Rowling is “in her element” when she is with children – which shouldn’t be shocking considering she raised entire generations.

7. Chrissy Teigen

Another celeb mama with a cookbook, Chrissy Teigen is redefining what it means to be a cool mom. It is obvious to anyone who has seen one of Chrissy’s SnapChats with her daughter Luna that Chrissy is absolutely devoted to her. Even more inspirational is the story about how she had Luna. Teigen and her husband, singer John Legend, didn’t hide that there were fertility problems and that they had to go to extreme measures to have a baby.

8. Kate Hudson

With a mom who is as lovable and bubbly as Kate Hudson, how could a child wish for anymore more? Beyond that, Kate obviously adores her children to be who they want to be. When she’s with them, she’s alway
s smiling and paying attention to them – no matter if there are cameras around or other people.


9. Halle BerryBerry+family+hit+the+beach+C8BtyfmxIhWl

Halle Berry seems really sweet and calm, but she has also proven that she will go to the ends of the earth to defend her children. She’s publicly fought for them and let everyone know just how much they mean to her. She’s also one of the biggest stars in the world, but keeps her children hidden and protected.




10. Julia Roberts

Once again, one of the biggest stars in the world and she keeps her family out of the spotlight. Julia Roberts notably took a bit of a break when she had children, focusing on them and giving them as much normalcy as possible. She’s done this while supporting the rest of her family in seeking fame.

11. Jada Pinkett Smith

When you look at the Smith kids, they are all really cool but they seem to have themselves together. Sure, they are a little out there, but they are incredibly well behaved and don’t seem to get into trouble. They think for themselves, express themselves well, and work extremely hard for their own careers. As far as celebrity mom goes, Jada hit it out of the park.

12. Mel Brown

She managed to make it through a paternity battle pretty cleanly – she said what she knew was the truth even though the father didn’t want to step up to the plate. She’s raising her children to be strong and proud, and showing her three daughters how to be strong women – whether or not there is someone else in your life.

13. Nicole Kidman (and Katie Holmes)

Speaking of father drama – Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes put up with a lot of it. Tom Cruise hasn’t exactly been nominated for father or the year. Reports say that he hasn’t seen some of his children in years because of his Scientology beliefs. He’s made relationships hard for his children, which only makes their connections with Kidman and Holmes that much stronger.

14. Cynthia Nixon

As a mom, it doesn’t get much better than Cynthia Nixon. Cynthia has shown a connection to children ever since that scene where she met Brady on Sex and the City, one of the most poignant scenes on the show. Now, she and her wife are raising her children and she still has an amazing career doing fulfilling work – and not shying away from hard roles.

15. Reese Witherspoon

While there are some rumors flying around the Reese Witherspoon cloned herself (seriously, her daughter Ava looks just like her), she was able to handle a divorce with dignity and keep her children away from the glare of Hollywood.

Reese Witherspoon Family

Reese Witherspoon Family

She’s also had some missteps along the way, but she has never used her children to make money or achieve more fame: a feat for a celebrity mom.

16. Sarah Jessica Parker

Speaking of cool moms, Sarah Jessica Parker pretty much takes the cake – can you imagine the closet her daughters are going to inherit? She’s always been a cool customer and manages to keep her daughters and son protected even though they live in NYC and walk, take public transportation, and just behave like a normal family. She had her son during Sex and the City and still managed to run around in Carrie’s signature shoes.

17. Angelina Jolie

Over the last year or so, Angelina Jolie has proven to be the ultimate celebrity mom. She doesn’t let anything get in the way of her children’s happiness, even if it means risking her own happiness. With a heart of gold, she’s created a beautiful “soccer team” family from all around the world and with Brad Pitt. She wants to save the world, and that’s pretty cool.

18. Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams had to mother her way through something that moms shouldn’t have to – the death of her daughter’s father. She handled it elegantly and with dignity while being in the public eye. It might seem like something that many women don’t have to deal with, but it is inspirational to see her do it.

19. Jennifer Garner

If there is any celebrity mom that goes above and beyond for her children, it is Jennifer Garner. She consistently puts her family before her career. Whether she was dealing with movie problems or problems with her husband, she has remained cool as a cucumber about everything.

20. Beyoncé

I mean, who is a better celebrity mom than Beyoncé? She dresses her daughter, Blue, up in matching costumes and



allows her to to walk the red carpet with her. She treats her daughter like a princess – because she is probably the closest thing we have.

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